Saturday, July 31, 2010

water park!

Today we went to the water park! It was fantabulous. We got in for 55 pesos...which is a lot for them, but its like 5.50 for us :) they had 2 roller coasters and a pool and water slides and a lazy river. they had other things too...but thats all we did. it was AWESOME! and now we're getting ready to go out.
Things we learned today:
1. when trying to be conservative by wearing shorts and a tshirt over your bikini because thats what you were told to do by your professors, you will be told to take them off anyways because you cant ride the slides or go in the pool with them on...
2. when you are only wearing a bikini in mexico, you get stared at awkwardly by everyone
3. americans have a conotation for being "slutty" and we totally proved thatto be true today since EVERYONE had a one piece on or more
4. when we were at the top of water slide, the lifegaurd made this guy take off his basketball shorts, which was his bathing suit, and made him go down in his underware..thats right. and she looked at him you have anything else cuz you really shouldn't go down in those either. HA. what a hoot.
5. Queretaro is HUGE!!! Totally americanized too. The part of town we're in is not, and i assumed all of the town was like that...however I was proven completely wrong when we drove by costco, mcdonalds, the mall w chilis and applebees, as well as several starbucks and subways. oye who knew
6. Mexican sun is muuuuch hotter than washington sun..aka im SUPER burnt.
Then end. hasta manana

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dia numero dos

Today was much like yesterday. So there isn't much to add. I had a new amigo bilingue for our walk around downtown. And we didn't have to go to school until 9 instead of 8. When class was over at 8:10, our sister met us at the school and took us downtown...we had the BEST crepes you could ever imagine; they were huge and mine was nutella y fresa (strawberries) SOOOOO good. Communicating is hard, but its getting better. Oh I also just learned that our walk to school is just under a mile...and we walk to and from school 4 times a day. So I'm walking at least 3.5 miles a day...but usally more because we walk to el centro y las tiendas...estoy cansada! Tomorrow we're going to a water park and going dancing tomorrow night con los chicos de estados unidos. We're excited to say the least...

Also! today I learned that we wouldn't look so american if we didn't walk around with backpacks...but today we didn't have a choice because we went downtown straight from class. DUMB...oh well. Now I know. Yo necesito comprar una bolsa!!!

Hasta luego!

My First Day

Yesterday was my first full day in Queretaro. What a day it was. My alarm didn't go off in the morning, fortunately I had a lovely American roommate who woke me up (and I'm sure my host mom would have too if it came down to it) and we had a lovely breakfast of what i think was juevos rancheros and beans and toast. Yummy. We had to be at school at 8 and from 8-9 we had a OLE orientation. From 9-11 we had "survival spanish," it all started rushing back. Then from 11-130 we had a tour of the city via bus (pictures to come soon but this morning i don't have time!). It was awesome. Its HUGE...and beautiful. Then we got to come home for lunch and a ciesta which was much needed. Then back to school at 4 to meet up with our conversation partners. We got to walk around town, go to a helado shop con chicos muy guapos who spoke ingles muy bueno but we weren't allowed to speak to them in English thanks to our spanish partner. Lisa and I may go back there today. Haha. Ummm. Then we had another 2 hour lecture class which was just pretty much asking more cultural questions about Mexicans to our chicano teacher. then we returned home and showered (finally!). As i was waiting for the shower, my sister asked if we wanted to go meet her friend who has four guapo americanos (boys) living with we did...they were not all they were cracked up to be, however it was cool to meet 5 american boys and 2 american girls who we could speak english too. Then it was off to bed. Today is a new day full of LOTS more walking (my feet and legs hurt rull bad) and more viewing the beautiful city of Queretaro!
Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Estoy en Mexico!!

I have arrived. What a long journey. I left Seattle at 1150 en la noche and arrived in texas 4 am our time, 6 am their time. then flew out of texas at 8 and arrived in Mexico City at 11. From there it was customs and luggage claim. Then to find the bus. Which we found, bought our ticket and ate some Carls Jr. We took a three hour bus to Queretaro (and watched "Its Complicated" and "Eagle Eye"). Then I had to leave my travel buddy and take a taxi to my homestay. I cannot imagine having to drive in Mexico, they're maniacs! I think we almost died like 3 times. I helped my taxi driver learn to read since I only had the address written down, and I finally arrived at my homestay. My family consists of my mom, Lola, my dad, Javier, my sister Pamela?? who is 20 and my brother...whose name i cant recall who is 16. He speaks English fairly well and Lola tries really hard. Fortunately I speak just enough spanish to communicate with them and i can even pick up on some of the jokes. go me.
Mexico City was a huge culture shock for me. Here is what i learned today:
1. there are 24 MILLION people in Mexico City
2. donkeys roam free everywhere
3. dogs roam free everywhere
4. and 24 million people make quite a mess...
5. I was offered a job in the first like 15 minutes i was in Mexico City...a little awkward but whatever. haha

Queretaro is huge, which I wasn't really expecting...but its pretty cool. The weather is nice in my opinion; cloudy and cool. Perfect cuz otherwise I might die of heat exhaustion.

Side note: my brother plays piano and listens to american music...its pretty sweet. also my dad asked when my sister would be coming to visit so they could get married. I laughed really hard. HA

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Today is the Day!

Today I leave fore Mexico. Well really tonight. In about 12 hours. RED EYE!!! woo. I think I'm pretty much set to go. Kinda. I still have to go up to campus and print 500 pages and carry that on the plane with me (thanks Carmen) but other than that, its ready set go! Wish me luck cuz I'm quite nervous...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Getting Ready

There is lots to do. I have one week until I am getting on a giant plane headed towards Mexico City. Unfortunately, I have to move all my stuff out of my house before I leave because when I get back, I will be living in a new location. We also had a meeting last week that informed us that we have about a billion things to do before we go, aka lots of homework so we don't have to spend our free time in Mexico doing it when we'd rather be out doing something else. So I have to get on that ASAP.

While in Quetaro, I will be living in a homestay with two other girls from my trip, Lisa and Molly. We are living in a house with a family which includes a mom, dad, 19 year old daughter and 15 year old son. The family's home is about a 15 minute walk to school everyday. The diet and eating schedule are going to be a little hard to get used to, but I'm still looking forward to this trip! It's going to be fantastic!