Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lessons and Jobs

As you may have seen on facebook, I was offered a job yesterday on the side of the road to teach english here in Mexico. A friend and I were walking home from teaching at a school and a guy rode past us on his bike, then he stopped in front of us and turned around to ask us where we were from becuase he had heard us speaking English (that happens a lot if we hear the same language or people hear us speaking English because everyones story is always exciting and different). We got to talking about where we were from and why we were all here and he mentioned that he was teaching English at a school and I told him we were currently here getting our TESOL endorsement and I explained what that meant (most people don't know). He then mentioned that his school was hiring and we would be very hirable. Unfortunately I had to tell him we were only around for about 2 more weeks. But I took this as very good news because I always was just going to get my TESOL endorsement to make me look better to employers, little did I know that every country is always searching for TESOL teachers. What exciting news for me, because we all know how hard it is to get a job teaching these days, but not teaching English!
Today I got to teach my first full lesson to English learnin' kiddies. What better to teach on than climbing??? The kids have been doing a unit on climbing for a few days now so I got to close up the unit with a little story and slide show of some pictures of me climbing and a story about an "epic climb" I had done. I taught them some emotions and they really really enjoyed that so that was awesome. Then throughout the story when they heard the word they had to do the action. Apperently my supervisor said that went really well! The end of my lesson, went ok, but overall, I thought it went much better than I was expecting it to do, however I have much improving to do for my next lesson in a week. However it was a grand ole time and I loooove teaching (good thing thats what I wanna do with my life!) even though I'm slowly realizing with time HOW hard it is, or at least how hard its going to be the first fiveish years of my career.
This weekend we get to go to Bernal and, of course, back to Tequis. Go figure. I'm excited and I'll let you know it goes!

1 comment:

  1. I think its cool that you are so employable!! Its nice to know that even if you can't find a good teaching job in the US there are plenty of places you could go and teach English. May even be a fun thing to do for a short period before you settle into teaching! Glad it is going well and even happier that you actaully enjoy teaching. That is extremely important!
